Events DC WalkingTown

Project Details

Events DC, the independent authority responsible for promoting the District of Columbia, sought to elevate the WalkingTown event for its 25th anniversary. The challenge: create a memorable celebration worthy of commemorating an event that is a cornerstone of DC. 

Centering on the theme “Explore DC: 8 Days, 8 Wards, One City”, our team at Brandire in partnership with Hart Inc. took charge of event planning and volunteer management. This involved meticulous event design, writing promotion emails, designing signages and custom mementos in the form of cookies and pins, volunteer portal management, and on-site support. 

The closing reception was a celebration that honored the dedicated tour guides, volunteers, and participants who breathe life into Walking Town each year. The event, held in the heart of Ward 8 at Sycamore and Oak, was a resounding success. 


Events DC

Project Type

Ricky Ponting

By Team member Komorebi

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